Close the skills Gap

Build Your
Talent Pipeline is bridging the talent and diversity gaps, activating and developing untapped talent and improving Economic mobility in Miami-Dade County.

Apprenticeships Attract and Retain the Best Talent

Hire Apprentices

Attract diverse talent from South Florida's ecosystem. Eager, motivated, and passionate talent awaits.

Start a Tech Career

Fill out a short application and one of our team members will reach out to set up an initial conversation about your goals.


Launch Your Program

We'll help your company register and file occupations, strategize for recruitment and fulfill other operational needs.

A Message from the Mayor

Equity is taking on injustices and dismantling barriers to opportunity. We're thrilled to launch the Apprenticeship.Miami campaign to improve economic mobility for all residents.


Our employer network commits to paying a livable wage during the apprenticeship program.


Our employer network commits to paying a livable wage during the apprenticeship program.


Our employer network commits to paying a livable wage during the apprenticeship program.


Our employer network commits to paying a livable wage during the apprenticeship program.

Economic Mobility is a transformational economic development initiative focused on growing the local economy and enhancing the prosperity of life for all residents of Miami-Dade County. More than a jobs program, this initiative brings together champions from public & private entities dedicated to improving the economic well-being of the community

People. Focused. COmmunity

Our Partners

Education and training

Structured Apprenticeship Industries

Information Technology


Hospitality Tourism

Trade and Logistics

And More . . .


Once established, apprenticeship programs reduce turnover rates, increase productivity, lower the cost of recruitment and increase safety. The return on investment is clear.

For every dollar employees invest in apprenticeships, they receive an average of $1.50 in return. Registered apprentices earn nearly 2.5 times more than their peers over the course of their careers.


More Earned

Recommend apprentices as a training model


More Earned

By Registered apprentices than by their counterparts


of Apprentices

Are still employed nine months after completion

Customized Talent Development Strategy

Our team of educators and instructional designers work with you to create your standards for OJT and identify JRE partners.

How to Get Started

Launching an Apprenticeship program is easier than it sounds. We'll work with you to connect to the resources, talent, and support needed to do so.

Step 1

Design Your Apprenticeship

Step 2

Identify Your Talent

Step 3

Onboard Your Apprentice

Step 4

Experience the Benefits

What is Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are a proven training method benefiting both job seekers and businesses. They are gaining momentum as a cost-effective alternative or addition to the college track. THe flexibility for an employer to design an apprenticeship program offers a consistent way to recruit, train and retain talent that can be easily blended into current talent development strategies


Paid Job

Earn a Competitive Wage From Day One

Earn a Competitive Wage From Day One The average starting hourly wage for an apprentice is $15.00. The average starting annual salary for a fully proficient worker who completes an apprenticeship is $60,000.



Gain knowledge from on-the-job learning and job-related classroom training



Earn a portable credential within your industry

Building a Better Economic Future Together


Our employer network commits to paying a livable wage during the apprenticeship program, transparent wage progression, and a pledge to engage & embrace diversity among participants.

Job Seekers

Through unique partnerships with educational pathways, including local education and career service focused institutions, we'll tap deeper into our talent pipeline.

Artboard 39


Leveraging the support of the community for foundational components such as Job-Related-Education, mentorship, and resources will be critical to the success of the program.

A New Approach to Closing the Skills Gap